Here are a few other less common transistor radios that Zenith produced that don’t fit into any of the other categories.
“Circle of Sound” AM/FM table radio runs on 4 “C” batteries or AC adaptor
Elite Zenith Royal 950 “Golden Triangle with Swiss movement clock
Scarce Zenith Royal 900 plastic portable uses 8 “C” batteries
Petite Royal 21-1 AM/FM which folds up into it’s own case
Attractive Royal 16 from 1966 in scarce Brown cabinet and grill
Check out these Specialty Transistor Radios radios.
Compact Royal 25C-1
Royal 51 and Royal 810
Royal 475 table radio
Black and white Royal 900 table radio
Another Royal 900
Royal 950 “Golden Triangle”
Aristocrat Desk Set
Aristocrat Y280A radio view
Aristocrat Y280A (clock view)
Compact C25 AM/FM
I have enjoyed reading your website information. As a fellow Zenith transistor radio enthusiast, would you want to exchange website links? Thanks, Jim Barnard
Thanks for all of your help Jim. I have a great deal of respect for your knowledge and ability to be able to repair these sets.
For any of you that have a need to get a repair done, go to Jim’s website with confidence to contact him.
I have a Zenith Royal 80 Transistor Radio Model Royal R80Y. It is black and brand new inside the unopened box. I cannot find the radio listed in any reference other than some repair manuals. Can you give me a range for what this is worth please?
Thank you Mark Hanlon
I have a Zenith Royal One Thirty AM transistor radio that is in great working condition, and generally good cosmetic appearance. Any idea if there is a collector who might be interested in it?
Thank you.
Hi Russell, I have no idea who would want the Royal 130, however, I place radios for sale on my website and when the right person comes along, it sells. I do not currently have a 130 to offer up for sale, so I would be willing to buy it from you sight unseen for $20, but I would not be able to go any higher. Let me know if that meets your agreement. Thanks, Gary
I have a 130 for sale. It’s not working at the moment but with some batteries, it could possibly work. I could send you some pics. Let me know a good email if you want one.
Hi Kyle and thanks for reaching out to me. A non-working radio is still of some value if it is in nice cosmetic condition; meaning no breaks in the plastic cabinet and no corrosion to the metal parts. If that is the case with your radio, I would be interested in looking at some pictures of it. Please send them to me at Thanks, Gary
i take it it is ac/dc? ohm the rects. or xfmr. that should get you up and running one it may be open or two, shorted.
Hi Gary: i am looking for a Zenith “Allegrao” clock radio; if you have one or know of one for sale please let me know.
Thanks in Advance!
Sorry Eugene but I do not know of any Allegro clock radios. Gary
Hi Gary
I am looking for a Zenith Golden Triangle clock radio, Model 950 in good condition. Do you know where ZI might find one?
Hi Gil. I only have one and I am not ready to sell it yet. When you find one, be sure to insist on proper packing materials because the golden triangle is a heavy and fragile radio that often suffers damage during shipment. Ask me how I know this. Good luck. Gary
gary:: tony here…the sanyo is a-ok play the daylight out of it. i “might” be interested in the sanyo you now have.. there was a radio from sanyo in the ;70s that mimicked the one you sold me. both were from sanyo..the only diff. btwn the two were the tuning. as i recall the one that mimed mine had it’s tuning on the middle right side. or upper middle.
Sounds good Tony. You would like it also. Gary